A well organised, incredible experience
durch Ivana Peranic
Abreise in December 2022
durch Ivana Peranic
Abreise in December 2022
Region: Antarktis
Reiseziele: Antarktische Halbinsel
Schiff: MS Plancius
Aktivitäten: Foto-Workshop, Schneeschuhwandern, Bergsteigen, Camping in der Antarktis, Kajakfahren, Basecamp, Adeliepinguin, Kehlstreifpinguin, Krabbenfresser, Südlicher See-Elefant, Eselspinguin, Buckelwal, Schwertwal, Seeleopard, Weddellrobbe, Antarktikscharbe, Schmarotzerraubmöwe, Wandern, Peale-Delfin, Wandern & Segeln
I am thoroughly impressed with this trip and its realisation by Oceanwide, and I consider myself very lucky to have been able to experience Antarctica this way. We booked through our local travel agent to get flights included in the package, and read through all the descriptions and reviews, but this trip exceeded our expectations in every way. We understood that once in Antarctica, the possibilities in trip was heavily weather dependent, but we didn't expect that the staff and guides would be so invested in giving us the best experience possible in the conditions, and didn't realise that they had the freedom and a wealth of experience to change the itinerary and make the best out of every day. We did end up having the best weather we could have had, and enjoyed every moment aboard Plancius - except the Drake Passage, where even with medication, I vomited for a day and half straight. I can't say enough praise for Pippa, George, Koen, Steffi, Carina, Marco, Brian, Tanja, Patricia, Owain and Dave for their wealth of knowledge, dedication, and friendliness. There was a wonderful vibe on the ship from all staff. To make the most of it, the trip can be truly fantastic with the right attitude
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