I took a Deep South (Antarctic Circle) Expedition with Oceanwide earlier this year and the experience could not have been better! Not only did we have a dream trip in terms of weather, activities and wildlife spotting - making numerous stops and zodiac trips every day and meeting all of our trip objectives thanks to the amazing work of the Captain and Expedition Team, who continually altered our plans to make sure the ship was in the best position to take advantage of the conditions - but the entire atmosphere and energy on the boat was amazingly welcoming and fun. I just have to highlight how incredible the entire Oceanwide staff/crew is. Not only are they super knowledgeable, they are incredibly friendly. Everyone, from the guides to the bridge team to the housekeeping and galley staff, is happy to welcome you on board and into the Plancius/Oceanwide family. The kitchen staff knew all of our names by day 2! And they were amazing at dealing with dietary restrictions and preferences. The guides and bridge staff were likewise happy to mingle, chat and answer any questions (even ones for which they had to look up the answers)! A wonderful experience overall!

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