
808 Blogposts gefunden






15 Toothy Facts About the Atlantic Walrus

The walrus is one of the most recognizable animals on the planet, and for good reason. Try sneaking into a cinema with those tusks!

Birds of the North: 29 Arctic Birds and Seabirds

Arctic wildlife exists in a category unto itself, and for good reason. But often Arctic birds get undeservedly overlooked. Here are 22 all-t

The Doctor Is In: Interview with Lauke Bisschops

Forget choosing between sprawling city hospitals and small boutique clinics, subways compared to streets, ambulances versus Uber versus your

Under the Northern Lights of Greenland

Driving towards the port in Akureyri, I recognized Plancius from miles away. This was the ship that once took me to the end of the Earth, th

Polar Bear Primer: Eight Facts About the Arctic Wanderer

Polar bears are found throughout the Arctic region in 19 subpopulations, including Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia. In these a

16 Conversation-Starting Svalbard Facts

It might seem odd that an icy, snowy, bear-packed cluster of islands at the edge of the world could be such a hotspot (so to speak) of outdo

10 Tried-and-True Bird Photography Tips

It’s easy to understand our fascination with birds: They’re beautiful, graceful (usually), and most of them have the power of flight. But ho

10 Weather-Fueled Facts about Antarctica

Most of us have at least a vague notion of what makes the North and South Poles so brutally, bone-chillingly cold: They receive less sunligh

PLA17-17, logbuch, Scoresbysund – Aurora Borealis

Endlich! Der Sturm war vorbei und wir hatten den Schutz des Scoresbysunds erreicht. Schluss mit Surfen! Die Gesichter unserer Mitreisenden s

Taking Chances: a New Lesson from the Arctic

Some days just don’t get off to a good start. Today was one of them. Our vessel, m/v Plancius, had spent the night sailing toward Phippsøya,

PLA16-17, trip log, Scoresbysund – Aurora Borealis

Last night, some auroras lightened the sky until very early morning so some of us did not have a long sleep, especially those who got up bef

10 Bountiful Blue Whale Facts

We could write a book filled with fun and fascinating facts about blue whales, but here we will select the 10 most interesting blue whale fa

PLA15-17, logbuch, Spitzbergen – Nordost-Grönland

Dort stand eine kleine Trapperhütte, vom Schweden Stockholm-Sven 1938 gebaut, die wir uns kurz ansehen konnten. Als wir alle versammelt ware

A Guide’s Guide: Interview with Michael Ginzburg

For adventure lovers, a common reaction to meeting polar expedition guides is that they have the coolest job on the planet.

Puffins: Clown Birds of the Atlantic

Puffins belong to a family of 22 species of seabirds called Auks, pigeon-sized birds that live on a diet of small fish and crustaceans. Puff

OTL14-17, trip log, Around Spitsbergen and Kvitøya

The excitement of the day began really early for three passengers who stayed up on the foredeck in excel-lent weather until 2.30am… they wer

OTL13-17, trip log, Around Spitsbergen and Kvitøya

We split into four groups and set off in different directions in search of wildlife and wild flowers. We were not disappointed! Whilst on la

17 Reasons to Cruise the Falklands

You’ve seen the colossal penguin colonies of South Georgia. You’ve sailed among the plunging seals of the Antarctic Peninsula. You’ve watche

10 Popular Bird Watching Binoculars

Binoculars are so common a companion of outdoor enthusiasts that many pack them with hardly a second thought. They’re tossed into a backpack

PLA14-17, logbuch, Rund um Spitzbergen & Kvitøya

Um 10 Uhr traf sich die englischsprachige Gruppe an der Büste von Roald Amundsen, um von Gérard und Sebastián ein paar Informationen zum Ort

10 Illuminating Facts about the Northern Lights

According to Roman mythology, Aurora was the goddess of the dawn. The word “borealis,” however, is Greek for “wind.” The combined phrase “au
